Want to Hear a Good Lawyer Joke?

As a SEO who is always attending networking events, I share with you a good ice-breaker for your next big networking event.

For starters, if you plan to meet an attorney at your next Chamber of Commerce after-hours event come prepared. Attorneys love a good lawyer joke more than the rest of us because they’re used to poking fun of themselves. The possibilities of a quick joke for a lawyer or any profession may be just the thing to get them interested in you.

Here’s the best one-liner you can find for a Personal Injury Lawyer. Have fun!

Hey, want to hear a good lawyer joke from an SEO’s perspective?

“A priest, a lawyer and an SEO walk into a bar…”

Then, stop and say, no that’s not it, let me ask you a question first, “What type of law practice are you in?

“After a Google search, What do they call the 10 Most Wanting PI lawyers in SLC?

Their response maybe, “Not sure, what do you call the 10-most wanting P.I. lawyers?
seo joke
Answer: Dejectedly, they’re called Nexters.

Page 1 Results“Only the lucky few who are on Page-1 get the most traffic, conversions and customers while “the most wanting” are called Nexters since the vast majority never click Next to Page-2 or Page-3 etc.”

This one liner also works with other professions that need to hire you for your SEO or digi-marketing services to get them to the 1st page of Google. Just substitute lawyer with roofers, mortgage brokers, CPAs, DJs, printers, videographers… Be as specific as you can!
Personal Injury lawyers
cosmetic dentists
auto injury chiropractors
HOA property managers
Lake Norman real estate agents
wood fencing contractors
independent homeowner insurance agents
solar contractors
HVAC plumbers

And for those who you meet that are not professionals this joke may work for industries like: mlm software companies, online cake delivery, alcohol and drug rehab facilities, translation services, brain training, self publishing companies,  wedding reception centers, hair salons, day spa owners, Zion National Park hotels, hospital labor benchmark solutions etc.

Final thoughts: Be sensitive to their website ranking as you listen and find out if they are possibly interested in being on the first page for their trophy keyword(s) or if they want to get more traffic by being on the first page. Also, let them know that just because 10-websites can make it to the first page of Google that in most cases an additional 3-pack of local listings can also be on the first page due to the Google map listings.

At this time feel free to play on their ego and explain how the competition may have 2-3 listings on the first page of Google and they are stuck on page 6. Be careful not to get too wonky with your technical jargon. Nothing turns off a potential prospect if you speak geek and they don’t speak Nexter. (Disclaimer: Nexter is a Googlebot language which is undecipherable by the average person unless you keep it simple. The dialect kicks-in when anxious SEOs and digi-geeks want to make clear to their newly found clients that their potential customers can’t find them on the Next page of Google.)
Don't be a Nexter!

At last be creative with their marketing needs and hopefully this ice-breaker joke can work for you at your next big networking event. Good luck and stay pithy!

Here are more of the same jokes:
Realtor joke