Best Piece of Entrepreneurial Advice Ever Told – 1987 with Tony Robbins

I want to relate a story that happened to a professional friend, Dov Baron, who I hang out with. This conversation happened in Seattle (my home town), one year after my high school graduation.

  • Summary: The best advice Dov Baron ever received was from Tony Robbins in 1987 when he looked him in the eye back in Seattle after a seminar and said one thing that changed everything…Get a team!
    (Dov was named by Inc Magazine as one of the Top 100 Leadership Speakers to hire for your next conference…

In 1987, Dov Baron had just attended in Seattle a personal development seminar promoted by Tony Robbins.

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After the event while still being chided and elbowed by his friends that Tony was no different than him with his “motivational talk,” Dov determined to meet with him after the event. After waiting his turn in line, Tony asked Dov if he liked the seminar and what he was feeling. Dov responded by saying, “I’m pissed off!” (*excuse the language)

A big smile rushed to Tony’s face…

…which only confirmed Dov’s mood. While green steam of envy continued permeate around Dov’s face, Tony asked why he was so ticked off. Dov responded, “Tony, you made 11-million dollars this last year and we are almost identical with what we believe and teach. How do you do it?”

Tony then looked Dov in the eye and said, “Do you think it is me that  develops all of my own material…, including the slide-show presentations, and then do you think it is me that schedules and maintains my itinerary… Do you think I do all of this myself?”

….Tony continued, “The only reason I make 11-million dollars is because I have a team and you don’t. Get a team!”

It took Dove 10-years after that piece of advice that he never forgot to finally figure it out but eventually getting himself a team. Today, Dov is making millions because of this 1987 entrepreneurial advice back in Seattle. Listen to Dov’s full story here: